Advanced chemistry for progressive health practitioners

Many areas relating to modern science and technology have been advancing rapidly and medicine is no exception. Patented pharmaceutical products developed from large clinical trials have been the backbone of medical practice. Increasingly however, complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners realize that not all health deficits can be treated optimally by these mainstream drugs. Often changes in lifestyle are indicated including adjustments to diet. And in some cases, after careful clinical diagnosis, health deficits need to be treated with other therapies.

Some are based on substances that occur naturally in the body. Some are based on well-established traditional medicines, others are based on academic research into uncommon conditions or employ complex chemistries. Many of the compounds require customization and are most effective when administered intravenously.

York Downs Chemists specializes in providing these advanced chemistries for progressive health practitioners.

What innovative healthcare practitioners say about York Downs Chemists:

Vitamin Advantage Medical, Calgary & Vancouver

“We have so many procedure-based treatments in our two clinics that we just order nearly everything from York Downs. Many years ago I tried products from other compounding pharmacies and didn’t get the same results with patients.” Dr. Jasmine Hall

True Potential Health Services – Saskatoon

“York Downs is an integral part of us being able to deliver customized and innovative care... I can be at a course, learn a new IV therapy, come home and be able to access that from York Downs, that is phenomenal.” Dr. Jacqui Fleury, ND.

NEX Wellness, Burlington Ontario

“They partner with us in providing care to the patients and are an incredible resource, always on hand to answer any questions we have.” Dr. Jacqueline Colello

Dr. Ara Elmajian

"Knowing the high quality of their products, their perpetual research in new products, their quality controls and professionalism gives me comfort." Dr. Ara Elmajian

Kelowna Naturopathic Clinic

"York Downs Chemists has played a significant role not only in the development of our practice, but also a significant role in the whole naturopathic profession across the country.” Dr. Garrett Swetlikoff ND